Red wine: at what temperature should it be drunk?

When we have guests over for dinner, we often take it for granted that white wines need to stay in the refrigerator for a few hours and that red wines, on the other hand, can safely stay in the house until dinner time.

Actually, each wine needs a different temperature to be enhanced: generally the younger it is, the lower the serving temperature will be. 

You have to consider temperature a bit like a dress that enhances a person's silhouette: it is obvious that the same dress that will fit one person's shape perhaps will not fit another person well. Similarly, a bubbly served at 18 degrees will lose all its pleasant acidity and freshness while a red wine served at 5 degrees will not be able to bring out its tannins as the cold will have an astringent effect.

At what temperature do you drink red wine? | ERMACORA
At what temperature do you drink red wine? | ERMACORA

The temperature of red wine: every wine has its own

In general, red wine should be served at a temperature between 14 and 20 degrees; therefore, it is logical that in summer red wine goes in the refrigerator, certainly not for too long a period, but 30 minutes will be more than enough.

As we said, every wine to be enjoyed at its best must be poured into the goblet at a temperature appropriate to its structure and tannicity, and this basically translates into dividing red wines into two categories: young wines and more mature ones:

  • the former being fruitier and more delicate need a lower serving temperature that will be around 14-16 degrees, but never less. In fact, red wine served cold makes it difficult to be able to enjoy the roundness of the taste and, indeed, one would almost feel an absence of texture;
  • the temperature of red wine, in the second case, will be slightly higher, being wines with good structure. So in the case of a Rîul, of a Refosco or of a Schioppettino one will hover around 16 to 18 degrees. Sometimes, for more important wines, such as the Pignolo, the serving temperature can be as high as 20°C.

Red wine storage temperature and other tricks to keep your bottles safe

Among the tricks to keep in mind for optimal storage, the first ones that usually come to mind are certainly temperature and humidity, but these are not the only factors to consider if we want to keep our beloved bottles safe:

  • temperature: the temperature should never exceed 20 degrees and, above all, should be as constant as possible over time, avoiding sudden changes in heat that would spoil the wine.
  • Stress: not only do heat changes have a bad effect on wine, vibrations from transportation and noise also prevent good aging.
  • Humidity: humidity should vary around80%, this percentage will ensure oxygen exchange between the inside and outside of the bottle and prevent evaporation of the wine itself.
  • Stability: ideally, the bottles should be left horizontal so that the cork remains slightly wet to prevent it from drying out and the wine from evaporating sooner than expected. Rest assured the famous "tastes like cork" does not depend on it! 
  • Protection from direct light: it is well known that the sun's rays spoil drinks, as they accelerate the oxidation process of wine and consequently create sediment inside our bottle. If you have the opportunity, therefore, try to leave your bottles in a dimly lit corner of the house or perhaps in the cellar, where the absence of windows and the quiet environment allow the wine to preserve itself for a long time.

Of course the ideal would be to have a temperature-controlled red wine cellar at 18 degrees, so as to avoid all sorts of temperature changes. 

Now you know both at what temperature to store red wine and the various tricks to keep it safe and, most importantly, at what temperature to drink red wine; so, all that's left is for you to prepare a nice dinner with friends and be inspired by our wines!

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