Only wines to drink.

We dedicate our wines to those who love every moment, celebrate special occasions but choose to be happy today.

Our native Friulian wines

For more than a century we have been caring for the native grape varieties that have made the history of the Colli Orientali del Friuli and have been passionately making Friulian wines in Ipplis and Montsclapade.

Whether you already know them or want to discover them, we suggest our wooden boxes in which you can find our best native Friulian wines: the box " Gli Autochthonous", which encloses three white wines and three red wines from the area, and the "The Friends of the Colli Orientali del Friuli", where you will find a bottle of Pignolo, one of Friulano and one of Picolit.

Pignolo: awarded Quattro Viti from 2018 to 2023

If it were a book it would be Alessandro Baricco's Mr Gwyn. He's a bit of a handful in the vineyard and in the cellar, but, after a long barrique maturation, Pignolo knows how to tell the story of Friuli's Colli Orientali with a touch of unexpected magic, and he also wins the four Guidae Vitae 2023 vines.


Friulian indigenous grape varieties

Our region has a very ancient winemaking tradition, consider that already in the time of the ancient Romans Pliny the Elder praised the wine from, coming from our lands. Since the 1st century AD, many years have passed and as many populations with different cultures have influenced the cultivation of native Friulian grape varieties until the Habsburg era.

After that, in the 1800s, the native vines of Friuli-Venezia Giulia also had to face the dramatic period of phylloxera, which led to the replanting of the entire vineyard area, with grafts of European vines on a part of the American species, which once rooted ensures better resistance to the pest. This issue, which had come in the wake of those of powdery mildew and downy mildew, led to the planting of mainly international vines, neglecting local varieties for a long period.

Friulian indigenous wines

Only in recent decades, thanks to the care and passion of local winemakers, has it been possible to recover some of the native Friulian wines such as the Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, with a slightly herbaceous taste reminiscent of berries. But also some barricaded red wines: one among them the Pignolo, a particularly fine wine that needs a long stay in barrel but which repays with all the nuances it then offers in the glass.

The Schioppettino spends part of its time in barrels, but it has a very different taste: spicy notes of black pepper and cloves can be heard, with a fresh finish that hints at berries and orange juice.

In addition to Friulian red wines there are, of course, great local whites, such as the Malvasia, with a savory and fat taste that is great with aperitifs and with fish meals. Other Friulian white wines worth tasting are definitely the famous Friulano, with a robust and aromatic taste that goes perfectly with San Daniele ham, and Ribolla Gialla, both in still version with its smooth and savory taste, and in a sparkling version, baptized by us as "La Gialla" which with its bubbles makes itself suitable for all occasions.

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