How to take the wine glass correctly in your hand: a practical guide

Taking the wine glass in your hand is a gesture that seems trivial but, if done correctly, can greatly influence wine tasting.

In this article, we will explain how to hold the red wine goblet and how to hold the white wine goblet in order to better appreciate the wine.

How do you hold a glass of wine in your hand? | ERMACORA
How do you hold a glass of wine in your hand? | ERMACORA

How to hold the goblet of red wine

When it comes to tasting a good red wine, it is important to hold the goblet properly. Properly holding the red wine goblet involves holding the glass by the stem so that the temperature of the hand does not affect the temperature of the wine.

In addition, the stem avoids fogging of the glass, as the top of the glass remains cooler than the bottom. Choosing the right glass is equally important: tasting glasses are designed to concentrate the aromas and complexity of the wine, providing the taster with a true sensory experience. Remember, a good glass and proper red wine glass grip can make all the difference in tasting your favorite wine!

How to hold the white wine goblet

When tasting white wine, the proper grip of the goblet is just as important as in the case of red wine. Again, the glass should be held by the stem, near the base of the cup, to avoid altering the temperature of the wine with one's hand. In addition, the stem helps maintain the transparency of the glass, allowing you to better appreciate the color and brightness of the white wine.

It is important to emphasize that the choice of the right glass is equally crucial in tasting white wine. Tasting glasses for white wine are generally smaller than those for red wine and have a narrower bowl, which allows the aromas and nuances of the white wine to be concentrated so as to fully appreciate its complexity.

In conclusion, taking the wine glass correctly is a key aspect of wine tasting. Remember to hold the glass by the stem, avoiding altering the temperature of the wine with your hand, and choose the right glass to enhance the tasting of your favorite wine. And, no less important, enjoy your glass!

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